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Office Olympics

‘Office Olympics’

Season 2, Episode 3 -  Aired October 4, 2005

While Dwight accompanies Michael as he purchases a home, Jim livens things up back at Dunder Mifflin with a series of workplace games.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: There's something else, Dwight, I want to talk to you about. I have a surprise for you, for helping me out today.
Dwight K. Schrute: Oh, you didn't have to-
Michael Scott: No, no, I insist, I insist. Because you've really done some great work, great work. And that is why I'm going to let you move into my third bedroom and pay me rent.


Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Why did I do it? Because I believe in rewarding people for their efforts. Uh, I rewarded Dwight with the room and he is rewarding me back with $500 plus utilities.

Quote from Angela

Pam: Come on, Angela, don't you have a game?
Angela: I have one, yes.
Pam: Well, let's play. What is it?
Angela: I call it "Pam-Pong." I count how many times Jim gets up from his desk and goes to reception to talk to you
Pam: We're friends.
Angela: Apparently.

Quote from Phyllis

Jim: Very nicely done. Okay, so, I think that's H.O.R. for Stanley and H.O. for Phyllis.
Phyllis: Are you calling me a ho?
Jim: Oh, my God. Phyllis coming alive, I like it.

Quote from Jim

Jim: Yeah, I filled out the expense reports. That took about five minutes and then I closed two sales at lunchtime, so, about as productive as any other day, if not more so.

Quote from Ryan

Ryan: I figured I could throw it away now or I could keep it for a couple of months and then throw it away.
I mean, it was really nice of Pam to make them, but what am I going to do with a gold medal made of paperclips and an old yogurt lid?

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: What's going on?
Jim: Nothing. I just wanted to congratulate you on your condo.
Michael Scott: Oh, thanks, thanks. It's very cool. It's three bedroom, gay-friendly.
Jim: Nice.
Michael Scott: You know.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Nice to meet you, Bill. Bill, Mr. Bill. [high-pitched voice] Oh, no, Mr. Bill! SNL. When they pull him apart? He would always get rolled over by something.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Ah, most honorable Pamela. Not offensive, because that's the way they talk in movies.

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