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Quote from Gabe in Search Committee

Jim: So, Andy, what improvements would you make as office manager?
Andy: For starters, I really think we can streamline communication around here...
Gabe: Whoa! That's a very heavy accusation to level against Toby.
Andy: I wasn't acc-, accusing...
Gabe: Well, Toby's in charge of Human Resources, that would include communication. I think that Toby's done a fine job.
Andy: Right! I really wasn't trying to insult any, anyone.
Toby: I didn't think you were.
[aside to camera:]
Gabe: I have two relationships with Andy. I have a personal relationship, and I have a professional relationship. Personally, yeah, I think he's a rat, and I think he's responsible for the demise of my relationship with Erin. Professionally... he broke up the happiest couple in this office!

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