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Quote from Kevin in Fundraiser

Kevin: My dog Ruby doesn't do anything. She just lays there all day. She's so chill.
Pam: What do you feed her?
Kevin: Well I put out Pro Bow-Wow, but she barely touches it. She's so dainty.
Darryl: Is she sick? How are her poops?
Kevin: Doesn't really poop. It's perfect, nothing to pick up. She just kind of lies there all day like a good girl. I put on the TV for her, but I have to prop her eyes open so she can see it.
Pam: Does she smell?
Kevin: She smells horrible. It's unbelievable. But I don't want to put her in the bath, because I'm afraid that she'll drown.
[back home:]
Kevin: People seem awful interested in you, Ruby. Guess they're just jealous, right! [dog licks Kevin's face.] Yeah, that a girl. That a girl. Man that stinks.

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