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Quote from Pam in Training Day

Michael Scott: This is Jim and Pam, aka Jap. What started as an affair has blossomed into a family before our eyes.
Pam: Well, it wasn't an affair.
Michael Scott: Yes, it was.
Pam: But, no, but we are a family.
Jim: [points to picture of Cecelia] We made that.
Pam: Cecelia.
Deangelo: Oh, congratulations. I have four kids of my own.
Pam: Really? Oh, my gosh! We just have the one, but she poops for four. [laughs]
[aside to camera:]
Pam: Uh oh. Someone started off on a good foot with the new boss!
Jim: Yeah, they don't ever talk about careers that were made because of unplanned pregnancies.

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