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Quote from David in Sabre

David: I want to tell you about a business idea I have.
Michael Scott: Okay.
David: Okay? You know how kids leave their toys everywhere? Okay. So this is a vacuum. It's like a shop-vac type of thing. [vacuum noise] Teaches kids how to pick up their own toys. Right? Baseball gloves, hackysacks, drumsticks. [sucking noise] Picks it up!
Michael Scott: So the kid's making the noise to pick it up?
David: No. No, no, no. That's the- That's the vacuum noise.
Michael Scott: Oh, okay.
David: You- You don't like it?
Michael Scott: No, I think it is-
David: No, it's okay. Another guy from Dunder Mifflin, Arnie from Research, he's gonna draw up the prototype. And, uh... It's like shop-vac. [sucking noise] Did I say that?
Michael Scott: Yep.

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