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The Answer

‘The Answer’

Season 6, Episode 14 -  Aired February 18, 2015

The Hecks find out that Darrin has proposed to Sue. Meanwhile, Axl attempts to cure Brick of quirks and tics after taking an intro to psychology class.

Quote from Sue

Mike: So, Darrin actually asked you to marry him, and you're telling me you said yes?
Sue: No, I didn't. I definitely didn't.
Mike: What did you say, then?
Sue: I said, "sure."
Mike: "Sure"?!
Frankie: Oh, my God, she said "sure"!
Sue: Yeah, but not like a "yes, sure," like a casual, like, you know, like, "sure, sure." I didn't think he'd think I meant "sure!"
Mike: How the hell could this happen?!
Frankie: Would you let her talk?


Quote from Sue

Sue: I didn't know what to do. I just felt bad 'cause he bought me a tiny house and I...
Mike: He bought you a house?!
Frankie: Stop yelling!
Mike: Hey, you want me yelling. Every minute I'm yelling is a minute I'm not killing her boyfriend.
Frankie: Stop it... we're not killing anyone, not until we have all the facts.
Brick: [whispers] Facts. [normal voice] Damn it. Did it again. Oh, that's new. Apparently, in addition to whispering, I'm cursing now.
Sue: I am so sorry! I don't know how any of this happened!
Mike: Well, you got to know. You're not a little kid playing Barbies, Sue. A man has asked you to marry him. Do you understand the situation you're in here?
Sue: Uh, maybe it would just be easier to get married.
Frankie: Are you nuts?! Marriage is hard! We just make it look easy!
Sue: I don't know! I don't know anything, okay? I am confused. I just need to be alone. Uh, I just need time to think, okay?! [runs off]
Brick: Could somebody please tighten my swaddle?

Quote from Frankie

Mike: What's the holdup? What's she need to be thinking about in there? I'm gonna go in there and tell her what she's thinking.
Frankie: You can't do that, Mike. You go in there and start badmouthing Darrin, you're just gonna drive her right into his beefy arms.
Mike: It's your fault, you know. I been telling you all along we got to watch out for this dummy, but you kept saying, "No, don't worry. It's just Darrin." [Frankie sighs] "He's harmless." Well...
Frankie: Oh, please. Since when do you listen to anything I say? Don't act like I'm suddenly the boss around here.
Mike: Yeah, well, somebody took their eye off the ball.
Frankie: Yeah, look, what does it matter who said what? Our teenage daughter has a ring on her finger... And it's both our faults. And you know why that is? 'Cause we suck. We're lazy parents, and we suck.
Sue: [enters] Guys? I've been in my room thinking, and the truth is, I don't want to marry Darrin.
Frankie: [gasps] Oh, thank God! We don't suck. Oh, my God. We're good, Mike. We're good, good parents.

Quote from Sue

Sue: [sighs] I mean, mom, you should've seen him. He got down on one knee, and he looked up at me, and he did the thing where his eyebrows go up when he's hopeful. And then he said [deep voice] "will you marry me?"
Frankie: Aw.
Sue: And it was so cute, and he was so happy, and now I have to tell him I don't want to, and I don't even know how you say that.
Mike: I got a couple phrases I think will do the trick.
Frankie: [scoffs] I think what your dad means is, you just need to be honest with him.
Sue: [sighs] I know. You're right. You're totally right. I know that's what I have to do. I just have to go over there and try not to look at his eyebrows, and just tell him my "Yes, sure" was really more of a "No, sure."
Mike: You want me to go with you? I'd be happy to go over there and personally make sure that he gets it. Hell, we can go right now, or I can just go.
Sue: Aw, Dad. That is so sweet, but I am gonna be 18 in two weeks. I am too old to have my daddy fix my problems. I'm the one who said "sure." I'm the one who has to do it. You mind if I sleep in here with you guys tonight?
Frankie: Oh, of course you can. [sighs] Are you hungry? You didn't eat much at dinner.
Sue: Kind of.
Frankie: What do you want... sweet or salty?
Sue: Ooh. [chuckles] Both.
Frankie: [v.o.] That night, Sue slept in our bed for the first time since she was a little girl, but the next day, it was time for her to step up and be a woman.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: "Sure"?!
Sue: Not my fault. It... it's Dad's fault. You... After Dad talked to him, he thought maybe I didn't want to marry him.
Mike: You don't.
Sue: I know! And I had a whole plan of how I was gonna tell him, but then he showed up and it threw me 'cause he was all sad. And he did the eyebr...
Mike: Don't you say "eyebrows," Sue. I swear I'll go over there and shave them off!
Sue: [groans] I just didn't know what to say.
Mike: You say no. I set it up for you perfectly. Then you come back with another "sure"?
Sue: It was hard, okay? It was in front of the trash. Our first kiss was in front of the trash. He even wrote me a song about it.
Mike: Well, the next song he's gonna be writing is "Who's that Giant Guy at my Door?" 'Cause I'm gonna...

Quote from Darrin

Darrin: Hey, Sue. Are you okay? My mom said you came by and then you ran off. I was gonna call you, but... she told me most people get emotional when they see themselves in a wedding dress for the first time.
Sue: Yeah, little bit. Darrin, there's something I've been trying to say to you for the past few days, and I have been doing a terrible job of it.
Darrin: That's okay, Sue. I-I totally get it. I've been trying to say something to this guy, Dan, at work. He always whistles when we're on jobs together, and when people's air conditioners are broke, the last thing they want to hear is some guy whistling.
Sue: That's true. That totally makes sense.

Quote from Darrin

Darrin: I don't want to date you, Sue. I don't have any questions about my life. I've got a good job and a house, and I'm ready for a wife. I don't want to wake up when I'm 24 and not have kids. [sighs] I want to get married.
Sue: But do we have to do it right now?
Darrin: I love you, Sue, and I'm ready to start a life together, but if you're not...
Sue: Uh... This is just really sad. [sobs]
Darrin: Goodbye, Sue Heck.

Quote from Sue

Frankie: Hey! So, did you finally make it to the end of Darrin's big scavenger hunt?
Sue: Yep. Yep, I did.
Frankie: Did he get you the red sweater? 'Cause we told him you wanted red.
Sue: Nope. No sweater. I think I'm just gonna go lie down now.

Quote from Sue

Brick: Hey, what's that?
Sue: Oh. Oh, this? Oh, it's... it's nothing. It's nothing. It's just something Darrin got for me.
Frankie: Mm, wow. First, he gets you a necklace and now a ring? What, does he have an account at Pioneer Galaxy Jewelers? [Sue chuckles]
Frankie: Don't feel bad, Mike. I told you, I love my tweezers.
Brick: Nice ring, though. The diamond thingy almost looks real.
Frankie: [chuckles] Mm. Let me see. Mm. Come on. Oh, wow, fancy.
Sue: Yeah.
Frankie: But, geez, doesn't it look a little too much like an engagement ring?
[Sue laughs and then keeps laughing while Frankie laughs before abruptly stopping]
Frankie: Mike.
Mike: Let me see that.

Quote from Mike

Sue: I can't be engaged now. I mean, I'm not ready for anything like that. But it's, you know, it's really hard.
Frankie: Well, of course it's hard.
Mike: Oh, it's not that hard.
Sue: And I do really love him.
Frankie: Of course you do.
Mike: Of course you think you do.

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