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The Answer

‘The Answer’

Season 6, Episode 14 - Aired February 18, 2015

The Hecks find out that Darrin has proposed to Sue. Meanwhile, Axl attempts to cure Brick of quirks and tics after taking an intro to psychology class.

Quote from Axl

Brick: Anyway, since deciding to give up my tics a half-hour ago, I've whooped five times and whispered three. By the way, I'm counting them now, so I'm scared that might be a new one.
Frankie: Don't be discouraged, Brick. Being aware of the problem is half the battle.
Axl: Don't listen to her, Brick. That's mom speak for "I got nothing." Fortunately for you, I'm taking intro to psych this semester, and we're learning about this guy named Sigmund Freud. Uh, you guys might want to pay attention here, too. [Frankie chuckles]
Mike: We've heard of Freud, Axl.
Axl: Yeah, 'cause I just said it. Nice try, though. So, this Freud guy, he had the hots for his own mom. [shudders] But it's all good 'cause he figured out a way to turn his perviness into science. He invented these things called the ego, the superego, and the I.D. So, what I'm saying, Brick, is, I'm pretty sure I can fix you.
Brick: Can you fix me by tomorrow? I'm meeting Cindy at the library at 3:00.
Axl: I'd bet my C-plus on it.


Quote from Brick

Brick: I've been thinking about it, and now that I'm the make-out king...
Axl: Kissing a hillbilly in North Carolina and your giraffe of a girlfriend does not a make-out king make.
Brick: I'm sorry, how many different states have you kissed girls in? 'Cause I'm currently at three.
Frankie: Brick, it's not very gentlemanly to brag about your conquests.
[Mike gives Brick the A-okay sign]
Brick: The point is, I'm a man now, and since Cindy and I have officially taken it to the next level, I've decided it's time for me to give up my childish affectations... the whoops, the whispers, eating an entire pencil over the course of a week.

Quote from Axl

Axl: What the hell is going on?! Why is Darrin calling me asking me to be his best man?
Mike: 'Cause apparently your sister's getting married.
Axl: And you two guys are just sitting here letting this happen? Why aren't you stopping this?! My God, I have to do everything around here. I have to fix the sink, I have to fix the Brick, now I got to fix the Sue? You are not getting married, all right?! You've got too many dorky dreams to fulfill!
Sue: I know, Axl! I don't want to get married!
Axl: See? I've been saying this the whole time... this Darrin thing was a trainwreck, but you guys are all like, "Oh, he's harmless. Be supportive of your sister. Stop making vomit noises when you see them together."
Frankie: Okay, who's really to blame here? You're the one that brought Darrin home for a play date when you were 4.
Axl: I didn't even like him back then, but you said, "You better find something to like 'cause I like Mrs.
McGrew." [gasps] Oh, my God. Her name is gonna be "Sue Sue McGrew." [Sue gasps] [Axl claps slowly] Nice parenting. Classic.
Brick: Tension's a trigger. It's getting worse, Axl.
Axl: Just keep snapping, Brick. I'm juggling a million balls here.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Mom, Dad, get in here! I cured Brick!
Frankie: What's going on?
Axl: I give you a de-freaked Brick Heck. It wasn't easy. I had to hit the books pretty hard. I'm not gonna lie... I took Brick to some pretty dark places and he had to face some demons, but in the end, it all came down... to this.
Mike: The chair?
Axl: Not just any chair, the rickety, rusty lawn chair you forced Brick to sit in for years. While we've all sat like kings in our matching Broyhill chairs, Brick has been forced to sit in a lawn chair you pulled out of the backyard. Hence, he's never felt like a part of the family. He's been trapped in a nylon cage.
Mike: Really? So, you're saying that all your tics come down to a chair?
Brick: I know it sounds crazy, but the weird thing is, I've been sitting here in an inside chair all day and I haven't whooped or whispered once. Maybe it's the height... I just feel... Empowered. Included. It's kind of life-changing.
Axl: So, in summary, you people screwed Brick up, I fixed him, you're welcome, my work here is done.

Quote from Brick

Brick: Night. [rubber band snaps]
Mike: Brick? What's with the rubber band?
Brick: Oh, Axl told me whenever I feel the urge to whoop to just snap the rubber band instead. It was kind of annoying at first, but now I kind of like it. So much, it's possible it's become a new tic.

Quote from Axl

Brick: It's just so frustrating. It's been three days, and nothing's worked. How messed up am I that my brother who's taking an "Introduction to Psychology" class can't fix me?
Axl: Brick, three days is nothing. Some of your more famous psychological breakthroughs took up to a week. Now, what we've been doing so far are simple band-aid fixes, but clearly, we need to go deeper...
much deeper. The question is, are you willing to do the work?
Brick: I am.
Axl: Cool. And remember, this is a safe space.
Brick: Mm.
Axl: Now, why are you such a freak, what made you a freak, and what's the first freakish thing you ever did?

Quote from Brick

Sue: I don't know how it happened! Ah, I was just doing the scavenger hunt, and then suddenly he gets down on his knee, and there was a tiny house, and I think he might have asked me to marry him!
Mike: What? You think he what?!
Frankie: She said "might." She thinks he might have asked.
Sue: No, he did. He definitely did.
Brick: Whoop!
Frankie: Oh, my God. Oh, my God!
Mike: I'm gonna kill him.
Brick: [whispers] Kill him. [normal voice] Uh-oh. I've never whispered someone else's sentence before. That's concerning!

Quote from Sue

Sue: Darrin, I don't want to marry you.
Darrin: You don't?
Sue: I'm so sorry, but this whole engagement thing came totally out of the blue. I-I didn't know we were heading this way.
Darrin: Well, where did you think we were headed?
Sue: I-I don't know... prom? I-I-I'm not ready for marriage, Darrin. I am only 17. I just got my braces off. There's a very good chance I might still be grounded!
Darrin: But you seemed so happy. We chose the VFW hall, and we were gonna go see the Mermaids. Oh, is that it? Do you not want to see the Mermaids?
Sue: No, Darrin. Obviously, Mermaids are awesome. It's just, my life right now has all these questions... where am I gonna live? What am I gonna do? And I don't know if I'm ready to have those questions answered yet. I have all these dreams and things I want to do. I've never seen California, I have never lived in my own apartment, I've never eaten a truffle. I mean, I've had the chocolate ones, but I think there's another kind. I want to travel. I want to learn to paint. I want to cry when my parents drop me off at college. I want to live in a dorm with a really weird roommate and meet another girl who lives on my floor that I love and move in with her the next semester. There's just this whole list of things, and getting married is not on that list. I love you, Darrin. I really do. And you might be the person that I'm supposed to be with forever, but I don't want my forever to start right now. But that doesn't mean that it's never gonna happen. We can still date. You can come visit me at college, and I can come home as much as I can.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: Hey, what are you doing home on Valentine's Day? Oh, I guess you decided not to celebrate with Devin?
Axl: We "celebrated" last night, if you know what I mean.
Frankie: [scoffs] Axl, no one wants to know what you mean.
[Mike gives Axl a thumbs up]

Quote from Brick

Frankie: Dare we ask?
Brick: Oh, this? Axl swaddled me before I went back to school. He said my tics might be caused because my nerve endings are too exposed, so he suggested a good swaddle might comfort me. I think he might be onto something. It's very soothing. Kind of like a... a hug for my psyche.

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