Brick Quote #1027

Quote from Brick in Great Heckspectations

Frankie: Okay, what's the current status of prom? Because if Cindy doesn't want to go, my hairdresser has a niece who will. She's slightly odd, she got kicked by a donkey. But it won't affect her dancing. Actually, it's hard to get her to stop dancing.
Brick: No need. After much negotiation, Cindy has agreed to go with me.
Frankie: Really? That's great! What made her change her mind?
Brick: An old pal o' mine named Bernie the Bookmark.
Frankie: Seriously?
Brick: Never bet against Bernie.
Frankie: Okay. Well, this is good. So you'll come over here, take pictures... Oh, you know what you should do? Invite your old social-skills group over and we'll host a pre-prom party. Oh, that'd be fun! You haven't seen them for a while. Prom is not just for the cool kids, you know. It's for everybody.
Brick: That statement could not be less true, but I admire your optimism.


 ‘Great Heckspectations’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Frankie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?
Brick: Oh, this? Well, you told me I have to do a promposal, so I'm going as Bernie the Bookmark. I'm gonna wait till lunch so there's a big crowd, then I'm gonna ask Cindy to "save a place" for me at prom. It'll be a new "chapter" in our relationship. Pretty good, huh?

Quote from Mike

Frankie: What do you mean you got your driver's license?!
Brick: Well, you guys weren't around, so I asked Sue to take me. I passed!
Mike: Yeah, we saw that.
Frankie: Brick, that is not okay! If your parents say no to something, that doesn't mean you go get your sister to do it!
Brick: I really thought you'd be fine with this. I mean, didn't I prove my trustworthiness when I stole back our car from the Glossners?
Mike: I'm sorry, but there are steps to getting your driver's license. We gotta put you on our insurance, make sure the car is tuned up, alert the neighbors...
Frankie: What did you think you were gonna do, Brick, secretly drive around for the next 75 years without us noticing? Sorry, pal. You're grounded. Two weeks.
Mike: That means no library, no seeing Cindy after school, no... I don't know what else you do.

Quote from Frankie

Brick: Oh, well. At least it gets me out of prom this weekend.
Frankie: Wait, what? Prom? I thought that was just for juniors and seniors.
Brick: No, 'cause of budget cuts, there's only one dance a year now, so everybody gets to go.
Frankie: Well, you have to go to prom.
Brick: I don't care about prom.
Frankie: Well, you should. It's a major life event. You don't want to miss that. I mean, prom at the same time you actually have a girlfriend? What are the odds of that ever happening again?
Brick: But I'm punished.
Frankie: Well, now you're unpunished. He has to go to prom, Mike.
Brick: You're sending very conflicting messages.
Mike: What's not to get? You're grounded until Saturday and then you will go to prom, mister.