Brick Quote #661
Quote from Brick in Operation Infiltration
Dr. Fulton: So, what can I help you with?
Brick: Well, I'm hatching a plan to infiltrate a friend group.
Dr. Fulton: Uh-huh. [Brick places action figures on the desk] Uh... Is this the friend group you're talking about?
Brick: No.
Dr. Fulton: Ah!
Brick: I've singled out a few kids in my robotics club... Dante and Parker. Their friend Max is moving to New York because his parents think he can do commercials. I personally don't see it, but I wish him luck. Anyway, this is my chance to get in with the other two. They're gonna need a new third.
Dr. Fulton: Oh, I don't know. When it comes to friendship, three isn't always a good number.
Brick: [chuckles] Have you not heard of the third wheel? It's classic. Like in a tricycle... The third wheel is what provides stability.
The Middle Quotes
‘Operation Infiltration’ Quotes
Quote from Mike
Mike: What's it say? What's it say?
Sue: Uh... I don't know. Is this for one year or four years? Oh, my God, how can I go to college if I can't even figure out the financial-aid letter?! [breathing heavily]
Frankie: I see room and board. I see tuition.
Mike: Yes. They're giving us everything we needed! We're poor!
Sue: Whoo!
Frankie: [laughs] Yeah! We did it! Oh!
Sue: Whoo!
Frankie: I told you we were poor enough. I never stopped believing.
Mike: You know, if we'd have worked a little bit harder, none of this would be possible.
Quote from Frankie
Brick: You signed up to chaperone the field trip to the robotics exhibit in Indianapolis on Saturday.
Frankie: Mm, that doesn't sound like me.
Brick: Yeah. Remember back in September when I asked you?
Brick: Do you want to do the back-to-school breakfast next week?
Frankie: Ew. No.
Brick: Halloween party?
Frankie: Negatory.
Brick: Thanksgiving feed the homeless?
Frankie: Too soon. Don't stop till you hit April. You want to do one of the later ones, so when the school runs out of money, they cancel it.
Quote from Rusty
Mike: Wow. Our old room!
Rusty: He hasn't changed anything from when we were growing up. All this time I've been staying in the tire room, I could have been living here. My dirt! [laughs] Ah, you remember when Pet Rocks took off? Ah. I thought pet dirt would be right behind it. That's seven years of my life I'd like to get back.
[Mike moves a bag to reveal a poster of Farrah Fawcett]
Mike: There she is!
Rusty: Oh, man. That's when pointies meant something. Ha. Now you see them everywhere.