Brick Quote #370

Quote from Brick in Thanksgiving IV

Brick: This book is life-changing. Mom dropped me at the library to find the perfect holiday read, and out of nowhere, it just appeared to me. "The real true behind-the-scenes story of the making of Erich Segal's 1970's classic, Love Story."
Mike: Really? All the books they got in the library, and that's the one you picked?
Brick: Have you read it? It's fascinating. How did I go so long without finding this? It's a Thanksgiving gift, I tell you. A gift.
Mike: You know, the only thing that would have made that better is if strangers were here to see it.


Features in the collection: Thanksgiving Quotes.

‘Thanksgiving Quotes’

Quote from Big Mike in Thanksgiving

Mike: Anyway, Frankie is putting together a nice dinner. You should come.
Big Mike: I don't wanna be a bother.
Mike: You're not a bother, Dad.
Big Mike: Don't go making turkey on my account.
Mike: We're making it, anyway. All of America is.
Big Mike: Well, if I come, you'll just have to get another chair out of the garage. All that hassle.
Mike: Okay, Dad. We're eating at 4. Come if you want, don't if you don't.
Big Mike: That's not much of an invite, is it?

Quote from Big Mike in Thanksgiving II

Mike: When was I supposed to know this? I only found out 'cause I went by the house to invite you to Thanksgiving.
Big Mike: Oh, no. You don't want an old man with a broken hip at your Thanksgiving.
Mike: That's true, but my wife does. Please, Dad. Please, please, please come to Thanksgiving.
Big Mike: Oh, I don't want to be a bother.
Mike: It's not a choice, Dad. The nurses say you gotta be discharged tomorrow, and they can't let you go home alone. Don't worry. We got TV and crummy food at our house, too.
Big Mike: You don't exactly roll out the red carpet, do you?

 ‘Thanksgiving IV’ Quotes

Quote from Brad

Brad: Who punches a guy while he's on his tippy toes? That's not how a dance fight works. I mean, seriously, where did that guy go to summer camp?
Sue: Ugh. I know.
Brad: I didn't even get to do my pas de bourree.

Quote from Tag

Tag: I asked you to do one thing: pack my ginkgo biloba.
Pat: They're your ginkgo biloba. You want 'em, you gonna pack 'em. You're a grown man, for God sake.
Tag: They're for my memory! How in the hell am I supposed to remember 'em if I don't take 'em?

Quote from Tag

Frankie: So, Afghanistan? That must have been so dangerous.
Sergeant Howard: Well, when you're dealing with terrorists, it can get a little sticky.
Tag: Well, the real enemy isn't terrorists. It's refined sugar. Kills a hell of a lot more people than Al Qaeda ever did.
Pat: You don't have to talk everybody's head off all the time. You know, they hide from him at the bank.
Tag: You're just jealous 'cause the weight's falling off of me. Somebody here has a love affair with gluten.