Sue Quote #78
Quote from Sue in Homecoming
Frankie: Hey, Sue. Lookin' good.
Sue: Mom. What are you doing here? How's my time? Am I winning?
Frankie: Oh. Not exactly. The other runners have all come in.
Sue: Oh, really? Well, I lost some time in the woods. An angry raccoon wouldn't let me stay on the path, and I fell into a pricker bush, and it took a while to get out. And then I threw up a little. But I think I'm on a runner's high now.
The Middle Quotes
‘Homecoming’ Quotes
Quote from Frankie
Frankie: And that is what I love about you. I really do. Just not when I have 15 minutes to get to homecoming and walk your brother out onto that field!
Sue: I knew it. I knew you'd rather be at Axl's thing than with me.
Frankie: Okay, you know what, Sue? You got me. Yes, I want to go to Axl's thing. I want to wear a pretty, returnable dress and walk your brother down the field, but not because I don't want to be here with you, because I do. And I was! It's just that I get no affection from Axl. I mean, you're a girl, and you still love to hug and cuddle with me, but your brother is just this miserable, smart-mouthed pain in the butt who won't let me anywhere near him, and if I can have one moment where he'll let me walk arm in arm with him out onto that field and kiss him on the cheek, and he can't wipe it off, then yes! I wanted to do that!
Sue: Okay. Let's go get your moment.
Frankie: [v.o.] You gotta love daughters. We even found a way for Sue to cross the finish line.
Quote from Frankie
Frankie: [v.o.] Truth is, I wasn't just happy for Axl. You see, when your son's on varsity, you get to escort him onto the field before the big homecoming game, and it makes all the other crap you go through worthwhile, 'cause no matter how smart-mouthy and horrible your kid is every other day of the year, for one shining moment you've got everyone watching you, wondering... What did she do right? And you're the only one who knows. Nothing.
Axl: Look, just try not to embarrass me, okay? [wipes the milk off his bare chest with a slice of bread]
Frankie: [v.o.] Yep, warm mother-son moments with Axl were few and far between these days, and I was sure as hell gonna enjoy this one.
Quote from Frankie
Frankie: [v.o.] At last, the big day arrived. Homecoming was our Super Bowl. Actually, the Super Bowl was our Super Bowl, but homecoming was a close second.