Brick Quote #470
Quote from Brick in Halloween IV: The Ghost Story
Frankie: Honey, we all think we've seen strange things. You know, when I was little, I looked out my window, and I swear to God, I saw a UFO beam our trash can up into the spaceship.
Sue: Really? Wait. Can I quote you for my article?
Frankie: No, no, the point is, even though it seemed very real at the time, I know it wasn't.
Brick: Well, that might be because time is a circle, but it's also sometimes a line. See, you're either experiencing something in the past that you would have experienced in the future, or you're remembering something that already happened that you haven't seen yet. Also, did you know that you can taste colors?
[Mike shines the light in Brick's eyes again]
The Middle Quotes
‘Halloween IV: The Ghost Story’ Quotes
Quote from Brick
Frankie: Brick, you can't just stare at someone when you like 'em. You kind of have to, you know... Jump in anytime, Dad.
Mike: Well, when I was your age and I liked a girl, I would ride my bike by her house.
Brick: Yeah, I don't know if people do that anymore. From what I've gleaned, they do more communicating through social media. You know, texts, tweets, and whatnot.
Mike: They also don't use words like "gleaned."
Frankie: That's perfect for you, Brick. No eye contact, all words.
Brick: Yeah. I guess that might be more apropos.
Mike: But don't say "apropos"! [to Frankie] We really should redo the basement so he'll have someplace to live.
Quote from Brick
Frankie: Okay, okay. Okay, what's next? Got to keep it rolling.
Brick: I'm gonna ask her if she's read Planet Nowhere.
All: No!
Brick: How about her feelings on fonts?
All: No!
Brick: Don't I want her to know the real me?!
All: No!
Axl: Oh, God, no!
Quote from Brick
Brick: Well, that was horrible.
Mike: Maybe next time, you listen to your mom.
Brick: No, it was a new kind of horrible. I mean, at the few elementary-school parties I was invited to, boys would run around and be stupid, but now there's boys and girls, and everyone just hangs out in the basement. Every time I turned up the lights to read, someone would just dim them down again. Next time I go to a party, I'm bringing my itty-bitty book light.