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Quote from Frankie in Bat Out of Heck

Sue: Well, one trend I've noticed is that, uh, millennials are always looking for a communal space to socialize.
Frankie: [quietly] Dr. Goodwin, can we go outside and talk about this? Sue's on a very important...
Dr. Goodwin: [loudly] I don't want to go outside! I just want my Genuine Georgia's Best Peanut Brittle!
Frankie: Why?! Dr. Goodwin, you are being insane. Do you not understand the way the world works? Your co-worker comes in and guilts you into buying some crap thing from their kid. You do it out of obligation, not because you want the crap thing! Nobody in the history of buying kids' school-fundraiser crap ever wanted the thing! And it's not made in Georgia! It's made by the Thronk Corporation in Toledo- [sees a bat] Ooooh!
Brick: Aah!
Dr. Goodwin: Whoa!
Frankie: I knew it! I knew I saw something. [all scream]

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