Quote from Sue in Bat Out of Heck
Frankie: Sue, did you hear that? Sue: What? The sound of my dreams crashing down to earth? The sound of the voices in my head telling me I'm a failure? Frankie: No, it was more of a squeaky sound. Sue: Mom, this application is due tonight, and I am a wreck. You know, I had a dream I didn't get it, but then I woke up, and I was so relieved, but then that turned out to be a dream, and I woke up again, but then that was a dream! I'm not sure I'm awake right now. [slaps face] Frankie: Well, whether you get it or not, we're just so proud of you for trying. Sue: But I don't want to just try! I want to win! But how can I? Is my last name "Hilton" or "Marriott" or "Comfort Inn"? No! I am just plain old Sue Heck. [gasps] You know, it's these stupid posters giving me false hope. Yeah! Who was I to think I could... [rips posters] reach for the stars or go out on a limb?! Frankie: Sue! Sue: People fall off limbs! Yeah! People die in space! Gah!