Quote from Brick in The Par-Tay
Axl: All right, Brick. [music stops] I need to sleep. Hudson: Me too. I'm really tired. So I don't need no one to read to me. Brick: Sleep? [scoffs] Is this college or a nursing home? Come on! Let's go do something! Let's Saran Wrap someone's room. Let's do the walk of shame! Axl: Yeah, that doesn't mean what you think it does. Brick: Let's pull an all-nighter! Axl: That just means staying up all night studying. Brick: Come on! I'm up for anything! [chuckles] I'm at college, man. I want to bite into the grapefruit of life and let the juices drip down my chin, and then immediately put on hydrocortisone because I'm prone to eczema. Axl: I'm tired! I just want to sleep. It's 2:00 a.m.! Brick: Hey, it's 5:00 somewhere. Hudson: Mnh-mnh... that's something else that doesn't mean what you think it does.