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Quote from Brick in Unbraceable You

Brick: My classmates are definitely getting more mature. Boys are sitting with girls now. There's a kid in the locker room with a beard. If I don't act, I could get left behind, so I dug deep and really did some soul searching, and I figured out what my problem is. I need a new backpack.
Axl: Uh-huh.
Brick: I'm using my "Shaq-will" O'Neal one, and according to a guy on a sports team, he's not even playing anymore. So I'm changing it up. It's a whole new Brick this year. And the new Brick carries... A messenger bag.
Axl: Here's your first message... no one cares.
Brick: Oh-ho, I think they will. See, the beauty of a messenger bag is you can adjust it to your mood. Left, right, over the shoulder, over the chest. Hmm. Maybe with just a slight adjustment. [the bag sags to the floor] I think this is how they're wearing it these days.

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