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Quote from Frankie in Heck's Best Thing

Frankie: Wow. Can you believe our son? He was charming, he was funny, he had all the right answers. What the hell was that?!
Axl: What? I thought I killed it.
Frankie: Oh, you killed it, all right. You killed it all over the place!
Mike: Damn it, Axl. I was so worried you'd blow this, I almost had a heart attack, and then I look like an idiot with that "future goals" crap, and you come out swinging with "vis-a-vis"?
Frankie: And I'm not sure, but I even think you used it right.
Axl: It was on the PSATS. What's your problem? Thought you'd be proud.
Frankie: You know, every time Nancy Donahue said, "Axl's so polite at our house," I assumed she was lying to spare my feelings. And once, your English teacher wrote, "A pleasure to have in class" on the back of your report card. I thought it was a typo! But you are a pleasure, aren't you?
Axl: Okay, liking the words, but confused by the bulging neck veins.
Frankie: They're bulging because I'm wondering how you can be all charming and Colin Firth-y with this guy and Nancy Donahue and God knows who else.

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