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Quote from Mike in The Final Four

Mike: Look, you wanted me to go to the funeral, and I'm going. You won, you got what you wanted, so be happy.
Frankie: But I don't want you to go because I want you to go. I want you to go because you wanna go.
Mike: Well, I don't.
Frankie: Well, you should. How would you feel if you died and someone came because someone made them? And what they really wanted was to be at a basketball game.
Mike: I'd feel dead. I wouldn't care. As a matter of fact, I'm going to specify in my will that if I die during any major sporting event, no one has to come to my funeral.
Frankie: Oh, I have a better idea. Why don't we take you to the nearest stadium and we'll shoot you out of the T-shirt cannon at halftime?

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