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Quote from Sue in The Final Four

Sue: Mom's gonna call Mrs. Siccola, and then she's gonna find out that we already called.
Brick: Don't panic. Here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna call Mrs. Siccola again and say I can come to the party. So when Mom calls and says I can't, it will all make sense.
Sue: Okay, good.
Woman: [on machine] Hello, you've reached the Siccolas. Please leave a message.
Sue: [on the phone] Hi there, Allison. Just calling to let you know that my son can come to the party after all. Thank you. [hangs up]
Brick: Who's your son? You didn't say who you were.
Sue: [gasps] [on the phone] Hi, forgot to say my name. It was Frances Heck letting you know Brick can't come to the party. [cut] He can. He can come to the party. At least for now. [cut] Not that we're expecting anything to happen. All signs are clear that he is coming. [cut] Did I say Axl? Because I meant Brick. You know, I just wanted to be accurate. Hello? Hello? [Brick pulls the phone cord out of the wall]

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