Quote from Frankie in The Par-Tay
Frankie: [v.o.] I know it's wrong, but they say if you notice any behavioral changes in your child, it's your duty as a mother to snoop. Now, what was her password? "GirlsRock." [buzzer] Shoot! I'm doing this for her. This is my baby, my little princess. "Princess." Ooh! Okay. Uh... Belle? [buzzer] [groans] Crap! Ariel? [buzzer] Crap! What's the name of that Indian one? I mean, Native American one. I don't really need to be politically correct in my head, but it's nice that I am. And I just did that automatically without thinking about it. That proves I'm a really nice person and was not just pretending to be. I wish I had more Black friends. Pocahontas! [buzzer] Damn it!