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Quote from Lexie in Swing and a Miss

Frankie: [v.o.] Travel... a rare opportunity to visit other cultures and see how they live.
Sue: We're here. Welcome to Casa Heck.
Lexie: It's so cute!
Frankie: Well, a few other words come to mind, but I'll take "cute" any day. We're so happy to have you here for spring break, Lexie.
Lexie: Thanks, Mrs. Heck. Oh, my God. I love how the kitchen is right near the entry. It's so convenient. At our house, the kitchen is so far away. It's a hike. To get there, you have to go through two hallways, the family room, and the great room.
Mike: Well, you don't have to worry about that here. None of the rooms are great.

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