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Quote from Frankie in Halloween VI: Tick Tock Death

Sue: Boo!
Frankie: Sue?
Sue: Surprise!
Frankie: What are you doing here? Oh, I've missed you so much. Oh, so are you staying over? Please stay over. Oh, wait. It's your first college Halloween. You've probably got parties to get back to.
Sue: Actually, I tried to plan this non-drinking Halloween bash, but since the only names on the sign-up sheet were "Yeah, right," and "Nerd," I decided to ride out the night with you guys.
Frankie: Oh, honey. This is gonna be so much fun. Hey, why don't we put the fire pit in the driveway and hand out candy? I heard Kelly Ripa said she did that with her daughter once, and I always wanted us to do it, but then I forgot.

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