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Quote from Mike in Land of the Lost

Mike: You're turning 50.
Frankie: Wait, what?
Mike: Yeah, I know. It's just... I don't know. It's just bugging me.
Frankie: You're bugged that I'm turning 50?
Mike: Your birthday's coming up, and suddenly, it just hit me... I'm gonna be married to a 50-year-old woman.
Frankie: Oh, my God. Seriously? You turned 50 over a year ago.
Mike: Yeah, it didn't bug me the same way.
Frankie: Really, Mike? Really? You're stealing my midlife crisis. So, what, you want to have an affair? Hmm? You want a new wife now? Is that it?
Mike: No. You're... fine. But this isn't about you. This is about us getting old. Hell, I read that Fonzie is turning 70. What kind of world do we live in where the Fonz is 70?

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