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Quote from Sue in Land of the Lost

Sue: Holy crap! Is that Logan? [gasps]
Brick: Who's Logan?
Sue: [hushed voice] Logan! The Abercrombie guy who asked me to prom, and then we had that magical night after I got sprayed with cheese.
Brick: Does not ring a bell.
Sue: I can't tell if it's him. Is it him? Brick, go see if it's him.
Brick: I've never met him. How do I know what he looks like?
Sue: He's dreamy. He's got washboard abs. You get lost in his eyes.
Brick: Oh, yeah. That's him.
Sue: Ugh, what is he doing here? I mean, yeah, we had a great time at prom, but then he went to Texas for the summer, and I texted him, but he never texted me back, which could be explained by bad cell service, 'cause I don't know what the service is like in Texas.

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