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Quote from Sue in The Potato

Sue: Okay. I think I figured out a system for the three of us to share two cars.
Frankie: Sue.
Sue: Just hear me out. I promise you guys won't be inconvenienced at all.
Mike: You're already wrong, but go ahead.
Sue: All righty. Dad, you're the blue line, Mom, you're the red line, and I'm the green car keys. On Monday, I'll drive Mom to work, and Dad will pick her up on his way home from the quarry. Then, after Wrestlerette practice, I'll grab Brick from the library, and Dad will drop Mom at the Frugal Hoosier on his way to his softball game. Now, Tuesday might get a little complicated. It involves four different drop-offs, and Brick would have to drive, but only for one block.

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