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Quote from Frankie in Change in the Air

Mike: Oh, my God! Are you texting Axl as me?
Frankie: What?! No!
Mike: "Hey, hotshot. How about that sports team? And are you getting enough sleep?" Frankie, really?
Frankie: Well, I'm sorry. I want to hear from my son, and I am not too proud to pretend to be you to do it. I'm all left out in the cold while you two are little texting buddies. Text, text, text. "OMG". "LMAO". "Dad's so awesome." "Smiley face. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." Fine. Just forget it. You can have each other. You just get off on your little bicycle built for two and ride off into the sunset. Just remember this: Sue likes me better, and when she goes off to college, I'm gonna tell her not to call you.
Sue: What?! But I love Dad. I would never do that!
Frankie: [sighs] Go to bed, Sue.

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