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Quote from Frankie in Heck's Best Thing

Mike: Now when your mom and I are talking during the interview, no pretending to shoot yourself, or... choke yourself, or kill yourself in any way.
Frankie: Don't lick food off your body.
Mike: Don't call the recruiter "Broski," "Broseph," "Broham"...
Frankie: Don't say "lame" or "uck" or "God."
Axl: I don't believe this. It's like you have no faith in me at all.
Mike: Now you're getting it.
Frankie: And when they ask you why you want to go to college, what are you gonna say?
Axl: Uh, to get away from my lame parents.
Frankie: He just said "lame." Are you even listening?

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