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Quote from Axl in The Final Four

Frankie: Hey, Axl, I'm gonna need you to start helping out with Aunt Edie and Aunt Ginny starting today.
Axl: Whoa, I get it. Talk as loud as you want. God.
Frankie: I'm serious, Axl. There's no reason you can't contribute. They're your aunts too. You do for family.
Axl: You know what? I completely see your point. And I'd be up for doing the old-lady thing today. Except, sadly, my car doesn't work.
Frankie: Oh. You can drive mine. Dad can take me to and from work.
Axl: God, you are so unfair. I already do just as much as you do around here. I just don't complain about it.
Mike: [to Frankie] When we get old, we're not counting on him to take care of us, right? We got another plan?

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