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Quote from Frankie in Great Heckspectations

Frankie: So... what's the plan for tomorrow?
Brick: What do you mean?
Frankie: For prom! How are you gonna ask Cindy?
Brick: Oh. I was gonna say, "Cindy, do you want to go to prom?"
Frankie: [sighs] Wrong. Look, I'm on Facebook all day at work so I can see what everybody else's kids are doing. You can't just ask her, you gotta do a promposal.
Brick: You know, normally I enjoy a good portmanteau, but I gotta say, that one just feels a little forced.
Frankie: No, it's fun! You gotta be creative, like filling Cindy's locker with something.
Brick: Shrimp?
Frankie: I was thinking more like roses. Oh, I saw this one where this guy got all his friends to lie down on an empty football field and they spelled out "prom" with their bodies, and they video'd the whole thing with a drone and then they showed it on the scoreboard at halftime.
Brick: I wish I could've just been punished.

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