Quote from Axl in Bat Out of Heck
Mike: What's your problem? Axl: You're still treating me like a kid! I don't need you to tell me how to do things anymore. You're telling me all the time. You're making me nuts. And I know I'm the younger lion and I'm challenging you and we're supposed to "lock horns"... Mike: Lions don't have horns. Axl: You don't need to tell me that lions don't have horns! Mike: Well, you just said... Axl: I know lions don't have horns. I just want to drive my own car. Mike: Look, I'm older than you. I know you think you know best, but there's still a lot more you have to learn, and it's my job to teach you. It's been my job your whole life! Axl: Okay, so, is that how it's gonna be, like, forever? 'Cause you'll always be older than me, and Grandpa Big Mike will always be older than you, and there's a guy in Jasper who's like 103. He'll always be older than all of us. Maybe he should drive us home.