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Quote from Dr. Goodwin in Bat Out of Heck

Frankie: Thanks again for the ride. It won't be for much longer. Axl's buying a car.
Dr. Goodwin: Oh, I enjoy the company. But can you do me a favor and ask Treeva to stop going through people's lunch in the fridge? With this whole #MeToo movement, I'm too nervous I'll say something wrong.
Frankie: Sorry, but I can't get up in anybody's grill today. I have to ask people to buy peanut brittle for Brick's class.
Dr. Goodwin: Ooh! I'll take some!
Frankie: You will? Thank you. How much do you want?
Dr. Goodwin: How much you got?
Frankie: Well, he's supposed to sell 25 boxes.
Dr. Goodwin: Sold!
Frankie: What? No, you don't have to buy all 25.
Dr. Goodwin: I want to. We're friends. I mean platonic friends. My eyes are on the road, and I don't notice that you smell like honeysuckle.

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