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Quote from Axl in Bat Out of Heck

Axl: Look, I just need your help, all right? Because Dad won't believe me about the chips.
Brick: He shouldn't believe you. You're lying.
Axl: He doesn't know that!
Brick: I think he does.
Axl: Well... That's where you come in. I am going to pretend to call the Frugal Hoosier, and you're going to pretend to work there. Look, I'm changing your name in my phone to "Frugal Hoosier" instead of "Dork Nerdington."
Brick: I'm in your phone?
Axl: So, when I call you, put you on speaker phone, you pretend to work there and say, "We're out of chips."
Brick: Wouldn't it be easier to just talk to him directly?
Axl: No, trust me. I know what I'm doing here, okay? Using my brother to pretend to be the guy at Frugal Hoosier is the smart way to handle this.

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