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Quote from Brick in Bat Out of Heck

Axl: Look, Dad told me to write down chips, and I didn't, and if he finds out I forgot them, he'll never let me hear the end of it, and I really need to hear the end of it because he's been on me like crazy lately, and don't tell me you love Dad's advice!
Brick: Well, he doesn't talk to me.
Axl: Well, then, you're lucky, because he's all up in my business all the time.
Brick: Ah, I see what's going on here. It's nature. The younger male challenging the older male, the older male swiping back. It's two rams locking horns on a mountain, two lions in a pride fighting for dominance. Usually, the younger lion will kill the older lion, and then that lion would have the female lions in the house to mate with.
Axl: Ew! Nature is messed up.

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