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Quote from Sue in Adult Swim

Sue: [scoffs] Don't you get it, Brick? This is about more than the pool. They are trying to turn this into an adult house.
Brick: What do you mean?
Sue: I mean, we're getting older, and Mom and Dad are smelling the barn on parenting and looking to phase us out. Our yearbooks, inspirational posters, Planet Nowhere books... you think they're gonna keep all that? No.
Brick: They wouldn't do that.
Sue: Wouldn't they? The other day, I heard Mom complain about the chipped bowls. She wanted to get all new ones, and then Dad said, and I quote, "Wait till the kids are gone."
Brick: I love our chipped bowls.
Sue: Well, you can kiss 'em goodbye. Don't actually kiss them. You'll cut your lips. But this is how it starts... You leave to go to college, and you come back, and poof... all the jigsaw puzzles are gone.
Brick: But it isn't Christmas without saying that we're gonna do the jigsaw puzzle and then not doing it.
Sue: It happens, Brick. Remember Grandma's doll room? That used to be Aunt Janet's room. [Brick gasps] That's right. Before you know it, your room becomes Dad's TV room, and my room becomes Mom's TV room, and then we're all married with kids, but do we have rooms to cram our families into? No! We have to stay at the Ramada Inn because our rooms are filled with recliner chairs and hand weights. This isn't about nostalgia anymore, Brick. This is about our very survival. They can't wait to get rid of us.
Brick: Well, they've never been big fans. Look, Sue, you're overreacting. Maybe you need to cool off. Perhaps a dip in the pool would do the trick.

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