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Quote from Brick in The Par-Tay

Frankie: How's your spaghetti?
Mike: Good. How's yours?
Frankie: It's good. Brick! How's yours?
Brick: [sitting on the porch] Good! [vehicle approaches] Dad! Code blue! There's a truck! False alarm. Just movers.
Frankie: [v.o.] After the basement flooded, Mike jerry-rigged the pipes, but we needed a professional to come and look at it. We were looking for a plumber off the clock... someone who'd fix it for 20 bucks and a case of beer.
Brick: Dad, this is not a drill! There's a van coming this way! It's a plumber! It's a plumber!
Mike: You're sure?
Brick: It has a picture of a dripping faucet and a self-effacing cartoon of a man with his pants pulled down just enough to show crack.
Mike: Bingo! We have plumber!
Brick: He's coming from the Norwoods' driveway. He's going fast! Hurry!
Mike: Stall him!
[After Brick rolls a ball out into the street, the van comes to a halt. Mike rushes out of the house and over the driver's window]
Mike: Hi. Mike Heck.

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