Frankie: Okay, fine. It's Brick's phone. I was trying to break in to your phone to see who you liked, and I dropped it and cracked it. [Sue gasps] But... And yes, I-I realize that makes me a crazy person. But if you lived through what I lived through with you, you would understand. Like, when you were in kindergarten, we had a special arrangement with the nurse's office so you could call me every day at 10:00 because you missed me so much. And you would only be in Brownies if I was the leader. And people would tell me, "Oh, girls are great when they're little, but wait till she's a teenager." And then you were a teenager, and you were just as delightful, and I thought, "We are gonna be best friends forever." And now...
Sue: Come here, Mom. [opens arms]
Frankie: No. No! You don't want me.
Sue: Yes, I do. [hugs Frankie] Mom, I love you. And I understand why you want to know, but I'm not sure if he likes me, and I'm not sure how much I really like him. So for right now, this is just a fun thing for me to think about. But when I'm ready, you will be the first person I come to to talk about it.
Frankie: Aww! Before Lexie? Before Dad?
Sue: Obviously before Dad. Oh, and, by the way, my password is "SueHeckWins." You might need it in case there's an emergency and you need to call the police. [gasps] Oh, shoot! Lexie!