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Quote from Frankie in Swing and a Miss

Frankie: Hey, do we have anything to be proud of?
Mike: No, not that I can think of.
Frankie: That's what I thought, but Nancy Donahue drove up while I was getting the mail and kept going on and on about how proud I should be, and I had no idea what she was talking about.
Mike: Why didn't you just ask her?
Frankie: I couldn't. I had already told her I was so proud. I couldn't go back on it after I'd already agreed with her. I'd look stupid.
Mike: You know, historically, looking stupid hasn't always been a deterrent for you.
Frankie: [sighs] The nerve of her, asking me if I'm proud. She knows darn well we don't have anything to be proud of. [gasps] That's it. She's proud-baiting me. She's got something she's proud of and she's just trying to get me to ask her about it.
Mike: I've helped as much as I can here.

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