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Quote from Frankie in Find My Hecks

Frankie: [v.o.] I'll tell ya, with Mike off the case, things were running a lot smoother. The kids were at a party 7.6 miles away, and everything was fine.
Mike: Have you been watching the dots? Sue's in a ditch.
Frankie: What are you talking about?
Mike: The app... it's saying Sue is in a ditch. You said you had this. What if I hadn't checked?
Frankie: All right, calm down a second. Are you sure?
Mike: Look at the dots. It says Axl's in some house and Sue's over there by the side of the road.
Frankie: Okay, that's a ditch... next to a dump. Oh, my God. Did you call the kids?
Mike: Yeah, neither one's picking up.
Frankie: Where you going?
Mike: I'm going to the ditch.
Frankie: All right, I'm coming, too. Just give me a minute to put on a bra.
Mike: There's no time for that.
Frankie: Fine. Then we'll take my car. I have a bra in it.

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