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Quote from Brick in Hecks at a Movie

Frankie: [v.o.] Out here in the middle, we spend a lot of time at the movies. We go to escape the heat, the cold, and just the monotony of our lives. Yep, everybody loves going to the movies.
Brick: I've never been to the movies.
Frankie: What are you talking about? Of course you've been to the movies.
Brick: No, I haven't. I've seen them on TV and from the car once, but I've never been in an actual theater.
Frankie: [sighs] Oh, yeah, I remember. We wanted to take you when you were little, but you had all that sensory weirdness.
Brick: Yes, and I'm sure that's how the doctors suggested you refer to it. Very healthy, very supportive. I'm a teenager and I've never been to the movies. It's pretty sad.
Mike: When I was a teenager, my mom died.
Brick: Yeah, but she took you to the movies before she did, right?

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