Quote from Brick in The Christmas Wall
Brick: Hey, Dad, I've been working on the family Christmas letter, and I want to run it by you. Mike: Uh, not a good time, Brick. I just drove all the way to Jasper and then to Bedford 'cause they put a tree on hold for me, which apparently means "sell it to whoever walks in and asks for one." Brick: You know, if you can make that a bit more interesting, I think I can squeeze it in this baby. Here's what I got so far. "Dear friends, merry Christmas 2014. What a year. Mom doesn't wear pants anymore. She's got an unsightly bruise on her hip that's been there since July. She says if it doesn't go away in a week, she'll go to the doctor. Finances weigh heavy on our minds. The sink fell through the counter last month, and now we wash dishes in the shower. Axl's football career appears to be over, as he dropped the ball... both literally and figuratively." I'm very proud of that part. Mike: Yeah. Brick: "Mom and Dad stay up late worried about Sue doing something with Darrin called 'losing it.'" Mike: Whoa! Brick, you can't say any of that stuff. Brick: Why not? It's all true. Mike: Yeah, well, that's exactly why. Christmas letters are just for the good things that happened in the last year. Brick: Oh. Well, that's gonna be a lot harder. And shorter. Mike: [chuckles] Yeah.