Quote from Mike in Thanksgiving VI
Frankie: [v.o.] Thanksgiving. What do the Hecks and the Pilgrims have in common? No indoor plumbing. Mike: How many times do I have to tell you? Coffeepot is stream. Ice tray is mist. Frankie: Mm. Okay, listen, Mike. I was thinking. You know how we always say only losers and sad, pathetic people go out to dinner for Thanksgiving? Mike: So are you saying we're going out this year? Frankie: No. Well, yes, but not 'cause we're losers. 'Cause we have a floor sink and a tiny table. Mike: Don't exactly sound like winners. Frankie: Okay, just... just follow me here. I saw an ad in the paper that King Henry's Feast is doing a Thanksgiving buffet, and it's only $7.99 a person. They're doing all the Thanksgiving staples, plus their full complement of international cuisine. And as an added bonus, we don't have to do the dishes in the bathtub. Mike: You don't have to convince me to leave this house. Long as I get some turkey, I'm fine.