Sue: Look, Dad, if this is about kissing, Darrin and I are going to kiss, okay? That is what boyfriends and girlfriends do.
Mike: I know that. That- That- That's not the stuff that I'm talking about.
Sue: Then what stuff? What else do you think I would do? Oh! Oh! My God! Dad! Do you even know me at all? No. That is not happening! I am not ready for that.
Mike: Oh, okay. Well, good, then.
Sue: And by the way, when it does eventually happen, it is not going to be in a basement. It is going to be in front of a beautiful, roaring fire and a Christmas tree.
Mike: Ah... don't need the details. [exhales sharply] Look, Sue, um... I'm just flying by the seat of my pants here, okay? I didn't have any sisters or anything, and, uh... I guess whenever I thought of being a dad, I didn't think of being a dad to a girl, so... I guess I'm saying I'm gonna make mistakes, but I'm not gonna apologize for protecting my daughter, okay? I'm- I'm just not.
Sue: Aw. [chuckles] You know, Dad, I'm okay.
Mike: I know you are. It's me I'm kind of worried about.