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Quote from Brick in The Potato

Brick: But I have been going to class.
Frankie: Are you lying?
Brick: No.
Frankie: Are you just in so deep you feel like you can't get out of the lie?
Mike: He's not doing his tell. Say, "I've been going to class."
Brick: I've been going to class.
Mike: Say, "I like sports."
Brick: I like sports. [whispers] I'm lying. [normal voice] I swear I've been going to classes. Look, here's all the homework I've been doing. And here's my Spanish test.
Mike: You got an A-minus on this.
Brick: It's one of my favorite classes. Now, can I please go do my homework? Or as Señor Frederick says, "¿puedo ir, por favor, terminar mi tarea ahora?"

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