Quote from Frankie in Change in the Air
Frankie: I can't believe Axl has been texting you this whole time and he won't text me! Mike: Oh, come on. He's texted you. Frankie: Oh, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I did get one text. It said, "K-D-J-J-J." Pretty sure it was a butt text. So, yes, I have heard from Axl's butt. Mike: Well, that's something. Frankie: [whiny] I just don't get it, Mike! Why won't he text me back?! Why is he doing this to me?! Why won't he answer my calls?! Mike: Maybe 'cause of that voice right there? I'm just saying, moms can be kind of clingy. You got to be cooler about this. Frankie: I'm... cool. Mike: Look, you can't text him all the time. You got to space them out. And if you just called him, maybe wait a couple days before you call him again. Oh, and be sure to hang up first. You don't want to be the rambly one. You want to make him come to you. Frankie: I'm not trying to date my son. Mike: Trust me, Frankie, you just got to give him time to miss you. Frankie: But that could take years!