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Quote from Frankie in The Drop Off

Mike: You really think he needs all this crap? A mini ironing board?
Frankie: It was on the list, Mike. They wouldn't put it on the list if he didn't need it. Everybody, keep labeling.
Mike: Little candles?
Frankie: Oh. Those are for us for when we entertain outside.
Mike: We don't entertain outside.
Frankie: Well, with Axl gone, we might. Here, take your marker and label his collapsible rain poncho.
Mike: Hawaiian Breeze purse freshener?
Frankie: My firstborn is leaving! Excuse me if I would like my purse to smell fresh!
Mike: That doesn't smell like Hawaii.
Frankie: You've never even been to Hawaii.
Mike: Yeah, and we're never gonna get there if you keep our spending money on purse freshener.

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