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Quote from Axl in Life Skills

Ms. Schaefer: Sue, where's Axl?
Axl: [enters] Ladies and gentlemen, The Ax is back. [throws Sue an apron] Hey! [grabs a resume from a girl at the door] Oh, Sue. Dropped her resume. Silly. That would have been a mess. All right, Sue.
Ms. Schaefer: Okay. And do you have your report?
[Alan Huang hands the report to Axl through the window]
Axl: Of course.
Ms. Schaefer: And it's ten pages?
Axl: Actually 11. Hope that's okay. [a poster board is slid under the door] Hello. This is Sue, my name is Axl, and we will be your chefs today. [Axl removes the cover from the cart]
Students: Ooh!
[After Axl claps, the band come in and play classical music]
Axl: Imagine yourselves in an Italian restaurant. How do you think something like this comes together?
Sue: I don't know!
Axl: Thank you, Sue, for expressing what we're all thinking.

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