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Quote from Sue in Twenty Years

Axl: Why are we meeting in Mom and Dad's room?
Sue: Because this is the last place Mom and Dad would ever expect us to be. Oh! And by the way, we got nothin'. Our party is a disaster. The church is no longer available. Turns out they do Zumba Jesus on Tuesday nights. Grandma and Grandpa are on vacation. Grandpa Big Mike was a big "no." I told all of their friends to save the date, and none of them did! And have you and Brick written the skit yet? No. Of course not. So basically... we don't have anything! You know what? A lot of this is your fault. I really could have used Brick's help, but you broke him!
Axl: Well... he took my guitar. He brought this on himself. He had to feel my wrath.
Sue: Well, you know what? None of this is gonna stop me. Because Sue Heck does not give up.
Axl: Why not? If anyone should give up, it's you.
Sue: We are just gonna have to scale it down! Simplify. Work within our means. But it is still gonna be spectacular, and it is still gonna be super secret! So... lock it up! No mistakes! [hisses]

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