Quote from Frankie in The Second Act
Axl: Mom! These chips are stale. Frankie: [sobs] I'm never gonna amount to anything! I'm a big, fat failure! Axl: You know what? I like 'em. Frankie: I don't know what I was thinking. I can't go back to school. Axl: I like 'em chewy. They're like gum. They're like chip gum. Frankie: I went down to Orson Tech, and I was all excited. And then the lady started asking me all these questions. And I just got so overwhelmed! [sobs] Axl: Dad? Sue? Brick? Frankie: I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know computers! I mean, I know how to make the screen big, but I can't make it small again! I just unplug the computer! And the only reason I can figure out those crime shows is because it's always the big guest star who's guilty. Of course Jeff Goldblum strangled the piano tutor! Duh!