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Quote from Brick in Hecking Order

Mike: Hey, Brick, you know, with Sue hoggin' up all the oxygen, I don't think we've heard a word out of you all week. How's fourth grade treating you?
Brick: Not well.
Frankie: [sighs] You didn't do something weird already in class yet, did you? It's just the first week, Brick. You gotta pace yourself.
Brick: It's my teacher, Mr. Wilkerson. He's a man. I like women. I like their bosoms.
Mike: We all do, Brick, but right now you're in a bosomless situation. You gotta make the best of it.
Brick: But when he asks you a question, he throws you the answer ball. If I have to catch a ball to answer a question, it's gonna be a long year.
Mike: Playing catch in class? That, for most kids, is what's called fun.
Brick: But when he takes us to gym, we're supposed to climb the rope. He fails to pick up on my reluctance. He's not a good fit for me. You should probably go talk to him.

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