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Quote from Frankie in Back to Summer

Ms. Rinsky: So you hosted a boy from Japan. Oh, that must have been fun.
Frankie: Yeah, was a great year, lots of memories. So I should be...
Ms. Rinsky: Interesting how his handwriting progressed throughout the year, then declined... Then progressed again.
Frankie: He, uh, writes different, you know, depending on the day. [chuckles] You know Brick.
Ms. Rinsky: What would you say was your favorite part of April? Disneyland on the 8th. [gasps] Paris on the 9th. And this morning's entry... "In the car, trying to finish my journal I've been writing the last two days because I didn't do my assignment like I was supposed to."
Frankie: I don't think you need to read the rest...
Ms. Rinsky: "'Cause mom says Ms. Rinsky's too lazy to read the whole thing."

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